Buoyant Billions. A Comedy of No Manners in Prose (1949)

Author: George Bernard Shaw

Book ID: 65234

Price: 195.00

Buoyant Billions. A Comedy of No Manners in Prose. With Pictures by Clare Winsten. London: Constable, 1949. Folio. Fine copy in quarter cloth & pictorial cloth boards.

Limited Edition of 1025 Copies

With striking illustrations by Clare Winsten, an Anglo-Jewish artist, illustrator, portraitist and sculptor. In addition to painting Shaw a number of times, Winsten also produced a bronze sculpture of him. 

“If I am asked why I have written this play I must reply that I do not know. Among the many sects of Peculiar People which England produces so eccentrically and capriciously are the Spiritualists. They believe in personal immortality as far as any mortal can believe in an unimaginable horror. They have a cohort of Slate Writers and Writing Mediums in whose hands a pencil of any sort will, apparently of its own volition, write communications, undreamt-of by the medium, that must, they claim, be supernatural” (G.B. Shaw)

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