Rules of An Cumann Cosanta. Offices: Irish Volunteer (1915)

Author: Irish Volunteer

Book ID: 67557

Price: 350.00

Rules of An Cumann Cosanta. Offices: Irish Volunteer, Headquarters. (Dublin: Patrick Mahon, Trade Union Printer, 3 Yarnhall Street). Pamphlet. Pp,16. Published 1915.

Organised for the protection of men who were victimised for being members of The Irish Volunteers.

An Cumann Cosanta (Irish Defence Society) was established to insure its members against loss, whether in whole or in part, of employment or of livelihood incurred on account of political action properly taken as a member of or in support of The Irish Volunteers. All Irish Volunteers are expected to join An Cumann Cosanta, which insures its members against dismissal by their employers on account of their political opinions. Volunteers who are ·not themselves in danger of dismissal will help others by Joining. Particulars from the Secretary; Headquarters. A Volunteer ‘will be paid the full amount of his ordinary income (up to £2 a week) until he gets other employment, or for a period of three months certain’

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