Statistical Survey of the County of Monaghan (1801)

Author: Sir Charles Coote

Book ID: 69243

Price: 695.00

Statistical Survey of the County of Monaghan. With Observations on the Means of Improvement Drawn up in the Year 1801 for the Consideration and Under the Direction of the Dublin Society. Dublin: Graisberry & Campbell, 1801. First Edition. Pp xxxix, 265, [2]. Rebound in blue buckram, title lettered in gilt to spine. A fine bright copy.

Illustrated with a folded county map, three plates & three tables in the text; with errata page at end.

Coote travelled to County Monaghan to investigate its society and its agricultural economy. The survey investigated the agricultural development of the region which included pig, dairy and beef farming. He describes how much of the soil was poor – “gritty, and extremely rocky and boggy’ with large areas of wetland and swamps. He believed however that much of it could be reclaimed and put to agricultural use.

In his conclusions Coote laments this economic underdevelopment and exhorts landlords to lead the way by introducing new industries. The soil of the county he believed could have benefited from proper drainage and manuring with lime, the dire roads needed improvement, while the flax industry was in a miserable state. The population was especially vulnerable due to their dependency on a basic diet of potatoes.

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