A Cure for Unemployment (1931)
Book ID: 64372
Price: €95.00
A Cure for Unemployment. This Edition is Limited to 2,247,365 Copies. Each copy will be Signed by the author with a Rubber Stamp. Only Genuine Unemployed will be Supplied with one Copy each if they call Personally at the Publishers before May 1st,1931. Price – For those with unemployment Cards 1d. Millionaires and others £1.00. London: E. Lahr, 1931. First Edition. Pp 12. A fine bright copy.
A Swiftian satire on the Conservative Party’s economic approach to the Depression, proposing “to substitute an [unemployed] human being as pet for every dog which is the property of a person with an income of over a thousand pounds a year.”
Proceeds from the sale of the pamphlet went to relief for unemployed workers.
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