A Topographical and Historical Account of Lisburn (1834)

Author: Henry Bayly

Book ID: 68442

Price: 295.00

A Topographical and Historical Account of Lisburn. Also, a Poem on Same, Comprehending The Maze – a Satire. To which is Added, Some Miscellaneous Pieces, Etc. Belfast: Thomas Mairs, 1834. First Edition. Pp 155, with The Maze – a Satire, having a separate title page. Recent full brown buckram, title in gilt to spine. A nice bright copy.

The preliminary pages include six pages of subscribers. The poem related to Lisburn is divided into six cantos (77-pages).

Henry Bayly was an assistant in a lawyer’s office in Lisburn, and the son of a Dublin solicitor. In the preface to his ‘Poems’ he speaks of himself as ‘the Lisburn historian’ and ‘the Lisburn poet.’

“Much trouble and exertion, and after surmounting many difficulties and disappointments, (not now necessary to explain) the Author has the great satisfaction of presenting to the inhabitants a work on the Town of Lisburn, which, for quantity of interesting matter, and correctness of information, he (without vanity) humbly submits, is superior to any which has been hitherto published” [Preface].

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