An Béal Bocht. Nó an Milleánach (1964)

Author: Myles Na gCopaleen (Flann O'Brien)

Book ID: 66248

Price: 125.00

An Béal Bocht. Nó an Milleánach. Droch sgéal ar an droch shaoghal curtha I n-eagar le Myles na gCopaleen. Dublin : Dolmen Press, 1964. Third Edition. Paper boards, spine lettered in gilt, with monogram in gilt to centre of upper board, in publisher’s pictorial dust jacket & endpapers designed by Seán O’Sullivan. A nice bright copy.

First published in the old Irish script (Seanchló) in an edition of 200 copies in 1941, followed by a second issue in the same year. This Dolmen Press edition was the first printed in the Roman script.

Translated into English as ‘ The Poor Mouth: A Bad Story About the Hard Life’ in 1973.

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