King Goshawk and the Birds (1926)

Author: Eimar O'Duffy

Book ID: 67488

Price: 175.00

King Goshawk and the Birds. London: Macmillan, 1926. First Edition. Pp, ix, 319. Pictorial cloth boards, in publisher’s original dust jacket. A very good copy.

The first book in O’Duffy’s satirical Cuanduine Trilogy, along with ‘The Spacious Adventures of the Man in the Street’ (1928) and ‘Asses in Clover’ 1933).

A novel is set in a future ruled by capitalism that pits an Irish philosopher and the mythical hero Cuchulain against King Goshawk, who seeks to collect all the wild birds and flowers of Ireland to put them behind a fence so he can charge people to view them.

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