The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism & Capitalism (1928)

Author: George Bernard Shaw

Book ID: 67379

Price: 125.00

The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism. London: Constable & Co., 1928. First Edition. Pp xxxvi, 494. Publisher’s pale green cloth boards, with elaborated design in green & gold, designed by artist and sculptor Eric Kennington.

Begun in 1924, the year of the British Labour Party’s first period of office under Ramsay MacDonald (who hailed it as the world’s most important book since the Bible) and first published in 1928, ‘The Intelligent Woman’s Guide’ draws on Shaw’s decades of activism and remains a brilliant, thought-provoking classic of political propaganda.

“He was a Tolstoy with jokes, a modern Dr. Johnson, a universal genius who on his own modest reckoning put even Shakespeare in the shade.” The Independent.

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