Ulysses. First Edition Published in Ireland (1997)

Author: James Joyce

Book ID: 64396

Price: 550.00

Ulysses. Dublin: Lilliput Press, 1997. First Dublin Edition. Pp, lxxxiii, 739, (2) . Edited with a Preface by Danis Rose. Foreword by John Banville. Appendix. Full cloth, gilt title label. Houses in black cloth slipcase. Fine as issued.

One of 900 hand-numbered copies. This the first complete Irish edition, handsomely bound.

This Danis Rose edition of Ulysses is now known as the ‘illegal’ version after the Joyce estate successfully sued Danis Rose for copyright violation. He used a total of approximately 50 words from manuscripts under their control without proper permission, thus this version will never be reprinted again.

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