Ulysses. Paris: Shakespeare & Co. (1928)
Book ID: 64841
Price: €950.00
Ulysses. Paris: Shakespeare & Co., 1928. Second Edition, Second Printing. Pp xvi, 735. Rebound, without publisher’s blue wrappers, in dark green buckram boards, title lettered in gilt to spine. A fine bright copy.
Between 1922 and 1925 the text of Ulysses was reprinted six times. In May 1926 Shakespeare & Company issued a second edition in which the type was entirely reset and Joyce’s corrections from the previous printings were absorbed. This copy is the tenth printing overall but is also the second issue of the second edition.
The tenth & penultimate printing of Ulysses published by Sylvia Beach at Shakespeare & Co. between February 2nd, 1922 and May 1930.
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