Showing 201–234 of 234 results
- Limited Edition of 300 copies Signed by the Author.
€185.00 -
The Christmas Box. With 36 Illustrations by Kay Ambrose
€50.00 -
The Pied Piper of Hamelin.
€65.00 -
The Seventh Pig and Other Irish Fairy Tales. Illustrated by J. Sullivan.
€195.00 -
Mother Goose. The Old Nursery Rhymes. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham
€250.00 -
The Chunkies at the Seaside. Drawn by Chile Preston. (1917)
€395.00 -
Fairy Tales. Beautifully Illustrated in colour by Kay Nielsen.
€495.00 -
Little Folks: A Magazine for Young People.
€135.00 -
Another 6. Collection of modern short stories for boys & girls by the leading writers of the day.
€125.00 -
Back of Beyond. Illustrated by Susannah Holden.
€95.00 -
The Fairy Isle of Coosanure.
€55.00 -
The Ingoldsby Legends or Mirth and Marvles.
€225.00 -
Strangers at the Fair and Other Stories.
€125.00 -
The Old Black Sea Chest. A Story of Bantry Bay.
€65.00 -
Handy Andy and the Wee House.
€150.00 -
Chousers and other Stories.
€195.00 -
The Henny Penny Picture Book.
€95.00 -
The Story of the Discontented Little Elephant. First Edition, 1912
€750.00 -
The Sleepy Song Book
€150.00 -
The Way to Wonderland
€350.00 -
The Anne Anderson Fairy Tales
€295.00 -
Prince Jon’s Pilgrimage
€65.00 -
The Twirly-Whirly Book
€125.00 -
Merry Days
€95.00 -
Blackie’s Children’s Annual
€195.00 -
Songs for The Wee Folk
€175.00 -
The Romance of Reading
€75.00 -
The Red Umbrella and other Stories
€75.00 -
Mr Tootleoo and Co
€295.00 -
Ishybushy And Topknot
€195.00 -
The Sugar-Plum Tree
€195.00 -
Nursery Rhymes,
€150.00 -
Hilda Cowham’s Blacklegs and Others